Testimonials Natalie Earle Testimonials Natalie Earle

Heather’s Candida, IBS, Leaky Gut, & Hormone Story

I am very grateful to have found Natalie through Pauline's hormone program. I've seen amazing results since starting to work with Natalie to heal my gut. I've experienced an array of gut related imbalances and issues including candida, constipation, IBS, and leaky gut related symptoms. Before starting I was also looking to address my past of antibiotic use and both disordered eating and eating disorder patterns. All these imbalances ultimately have led to estrogen dominance and very painful moon cycles and disregulated moon cycles. Natalie's guidance aligns beautifully with Pauline's program. I've followed a very personal nutrition plan with a focus on wholesome animal and plant foods and effective supplementation. I've experienced a pain-free (and PMS free) 28 day cycles less than a month after following Natalie's protocol. I've also been able to pin-point foods that upset my gut and understand why. But with time, I have incorporated foods back into my diet (even dairy!) with no gut or hormone upset. The recommended lifestyle factors (sleep, morning and evening routing, and self-reflection work, etc) has also been a game changer, and has showed me the environment around the food I eat is also extremely important. This has been a vital step in my healing process and would recommend to anyone working on healing their gut and wanting a deep dive into the gut connection to hormones!

“I am very grateful to have found Natalie through Pauline's hormone program. I've seen amazing results since starting to work with Natalie to heal my gut. I've experienced an array of gut related imbalances and issues including candida, constipation, IBS, and leaky gut related symptoms. Before starting I was also looking to address my past of antibiotic use and both disordered eating and eating disorder patterns. All these imbalances ultimately have led to estrogen dominance and very painful moon cycles and disregulated moon cycles. Natalie's guidance aligns beautifully with Pauline's program. I've followed a very personal nutrition plan with a focus on wholesome animal and plant foods and effective supplementation. I've experienced a pain-free (and PMS free) 28 day cycles less than a month after following Natalie's protocol. I've also been able to pin-point foods that upset my gut and understand why. But with time, I have incorporated foods back into my diet (even dairy!) with no gut or hormone upset. The recommended lifestyle factors (sleep, morning and evening routing, and self-reflection work, etc) has also been a game changer, and has showed me the environment around the food I eat is also extremely important. This has been a vital step in my healing process and would recommend to anyone working on healing their gut and wanting a deep dive into the gut connection to hormones!”

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Testimonials Natalie Earle Testimonials Natalie Earle

Teresa’s Hashimotos

Natalie is amazing to work with. She helped me to put my Hashimoto’s thyroiditis into remission (after more than 10 years) by guiding me to heal my gut and get more comfortable trying new things in the kitchen. Her kind and relaxed style, combined with her deep well of nutrition knowledge, really empowered me to take responsibility for the changes I wanted to see in my health. -Teresa R.

“Natalie is amazing to work with. She helped me to put my Hashimoto’s thyroiditis into remission (after more than 10 years) by guiding me to heal my gut and get more comfortable trying new things in the kitchen. Her kind and relaxed style, combined with her deep well of nutrition knowledge, really empowered me to take responsibility for the changes I wanted to see in my health.”

-Teresa R.

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Testimonials Natalie Earle Testimonials Natalie Earle

Histamine and Mold

  • I use to have these very dry cracks on the bottom of my feet, the cracks were very white chalky looking, now it's slowly going away.

  • I'm not as phlegmy, and clearing my throat as much.

  • My energy is better, I'm not drinking tea in the afternoon anymore (I used to have to drink 2-3 cups in the afternoon.

  • I'm not as spacey.

  • my eczema is less

  • I reduced my cortex by 1/2 a pill. So instead of 3 pils/day, Im taking 2 ½.


  • I use to have these very dry cracks on the bottom of my feet, the cracks were very white chalky looking, now it's slowly going away.

  • I'm not as phlegmy, and clearing my throat as much.

  • My energy is better, I'm not drinking tea in the afternoon anymore (I used to have to drink 2-3 cups in the afternoon.

  • I'm not as spacey.

  • my eczema is less

  • I reduced my cortex by 1/2 a pill. So instead of 3 pils/day, Im taking 2 ½.


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Testimonials Natalie Earle Testimonials Natalie Earle

POTS, Dysautonomia, & Neuropathy

Thank you for helping me find a way to get my questions answered. Just after talking to you, my mood was instantly better. - K.M.

“Thank you for helping me find a way to get my questions answered. Just after talking to you, my mood was instantly better.”

- K.M.

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Testimonials Natalie Earle Testimonials Natalie Earle


During the consults Natalie is extremely attentive, and I appreciate her effort to give as much information as possible, and to really work with me through my questions and symptoms, and to accommodate my information-processing needs (I ask a lot of questions)! - S.G.

“During the consults Natalie is extremely attentive, and I appreciate her effort to give as much information as possible, and to really work with me through my questions and symptoms, and to accommodate my information-processing needs (I ask a lot of questions)!”

- S.G.

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Testimonials Natalie Earle Testimonials Natalie Earle


Natalie is great and I feel like I am able to get so much more information and allow the practitioner to really understand what is going on for me in the longer one-on-one sessions. So in short, I’m happy and I’m doing well!

“Natalie is great and I feel like I am able to get so much more information and allow the practitioner to really understand what is going on for me in the longer one-on-one sessions. So in short, I’m happy and I’m doing well!”

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Testimonials Natalie Earle Testimonials Natalie Earle


The appointment with Natalie was amazing and such an answer to many prayers! Natalie is awesome and I am so grateful to be working with her! - T.B.

“The appointment with Natalie was amazing and such an answer to many prayers! Natalie is awesome and I am so grateful to be working with her!”

- T.B.

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Testimonials Natalie Earle Testimonials Natalie Earle

MCAD / Chronic Pain

I’m very excited that my body and my brain are working synergistically, finally. So much healing to do, but the shift in migraines and pain in unbelievable and to have some relief of a lifetime of chronic pain and migraine…magical. - E.D.

“I’m very excited that my body and my brain are working synergistically, finally. So much healing to do, but the shift in migraines and pain in unbelievable and to have some relief of a lifetime of chronic pain and migraine…magical.”

- E.D.

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