When you’re a teenager, self-conscious and unsure, acne can weigh on your self-esteem and make you feel like isolating yourself. You dream of a day when you’re older and zit-free, only to discover that acne does not necessarily ride off into the sunset on your 18th birthday. For up to 22% of adult women and 3 percent of adult men, acne is something that lingers well into your adult years.
Acne and Milk: Does Dairy Cause Acne? Raw Milk Benefits
You may have heard that drinking milk causes acne. Do you know that you can actually get back to drinking milk and having other dairy products while keeping your skin clear? Here's how to do it in 4 steps.
9 Ways to Detox- Skin Health Blog Series Part 3
Many people think of 7 day fasts and detox diets when I say "detoxification". But today you are going to learn why and how to sustainably support your detox pathways and ultimately heal your skin from the inside out.
Skin Health and Your Gut- Blog Series- Part 1
Is your acne getting worse, not better? Have you had acne your whole life? Do you have dry skin, eczema, rashes, or sensitivities?
How To Help Digestive Issues
In the last blog post, I dove into the top digestive dysfunctions and many of them might be some of your concerns. How do we know how to help digestive issues? What are the common digestive problems?