Become the Resilient Confident Human you know you are.

With Functional Ancestral Nutrition

We help individuals transform fatigue, chronic pain, GI distress, hormone imbalances, skin issues, anxiety, and nervous system dysregulation into trust in their body, all-day energy, confidence, stability, better quality of life, glowing skin, reduced antibodies, balanced weight, and food freedom.

Step 1 Exploration Call: A free forty-five-minute call dedicated to getting to know you & your story. What you gain in this free exploration call:

  • Problem solve the root of your symptoms with insight on the exact strategies to become symptom free

  • Get mindset coaching

  • Gain direction on how to move forward

Start Here

The Problem

As of 2012, half of all adults were managing at least one chronic condition, while a quarter were managing two or more chronic health conditions. Now, there are over 80 different types of autoimmune conditions affecting one in 10 individuals and 70,000 people with Dysautonomia.

The Solution:

You don’t need to chase a diagnosis when the root of your symptoms begins in your GUT.

You can start right now to stop your symptoms and transform your life using real food as medicine instead of expensive tests, medications, supplements, powders, and alternative therapies that don’t work without basic nutrition.

You are in the right place if:

  • You feel limited in life and have a limited or restricted diet.

  • You feel Anxiety/Depression preventing you from experiencing joy and have a sense of impending doom.

  • You experience GI symptoms like nausea, constipation, IBS, indigestion, bloating, cramping control your day and these constantly occupy your thoughts.

  • Your chronic fatigue and exhaustion prevents you from feeling like a capable human.

  • Hormone imbalances impact your relationships and cause you torturous pain

  • Chronic pain like joint pain, neuropathy, headaches, and feeling hit by a bus holds you back from being your best self for your family. 

  • You constantly worry about skin issues like acne, itchy rashes, or eczema

  • Your sleep is dysregulated, your body has paradoxical reactions to all the good things recommended to you, you get post exertion malaise, your body temperature is variable, and heart rate and blood pressure is erratic. 

  • You are constantly looking for relief from symptoms so you don't have to quit your job, leave school, or move home due to the state of your health. 

  • After all the other alternative treatments you are still not seeing results.

  • You feel unwell and confused by all of the seemingly conflicting nutrition information available online and from your doctors.

  • You are unable to fully enjoy activities and your days due to fear of unexpected symptoms.

  • You are dying to find THE solution to improve your health.


I didn’t trust anyone else as I had worked with other functional medicine practitioners in the past. I told myself for about a year if I was unable to reach my health goals on my own that I would only work with Natalie and/or her associates. Now, I feel SO much better! It has been absolutely life changing. It is almost hard to imagine my life before working with Natalie. Many of the symptoms and challenges I had faced are either resolved or have improved immensely.
— Kailyn S.
  • Get off medications, add back more foods, feel human again, feel capable and more active.

  • Trust in your body, understanding how to nourish yourself, and energy all day to do what you want.

  • Know and trust your body, reduce anxiety, and rebuild stability.

  • Improve quality of life and increase activities. Gain control over your life instead of letting your symptoms control your life.

Hi I’m Natalie Earle, FNTP, CGP

Hi, I’m Natalie Earle, FNTP, CGP. I specialize in autoimmune, hormonal conditions, and nervous system disorders. My own health journey started when I was diagnosed with a long list of food intolerances. After years of skin issues, fatigue, low self-worth, headaches, brain fog, and food restrictions I finally found the way to healing - returning to our obedience to nature by modeling how our ancestors lived. I ground my work in systems thinking. By addressing the root cause, the gut microbiome, it is possible to address all other body systems.


  • Our body has more bacteria cells than human cells. The gut microbiome is the ecosystem of bacteria that live in your large intestine and they digest all your food to create nutrients for you to absorb, feel good chemicals, a strong immune system, and a symphony of your hormones.

  • Typical blood tests your doctors run look at nutrient levels in the blood. The blood system is a transport system and doesn’t accurately represent the nutrients your cells are using. NWC uses intracellular micronutrient testing to check your nutrient levels inside the cell after 3-5 months of gut rebuilding dietary changes. This way we find the most accurate measurements of long term nutrient deficiencies so that you don’t waste money on supplements which can be hard for the gut to digest.

  • The main source of toxicity in our body is coming from an imbalanced gut microbiome. There are too many toxins leaking into the bloodstream from overgrowths of bacterial infections in the gut. These toxins cause symptoms. If you have symptoms, your number one detox pathway, the GI tract, needs support.

  •  Lifestyle changes include creating an AM and PM routine, having a regular eating schedule, exercises for new mindset creation, cold therapy, detoxification habits, and pacing exercises. NWC coaches you on how to create your own lifestyle for symptom freedom.

  • All creatures follow a rhythm according to the sun. We are dependent on getting sunlight exposure especially in the mornings and evenings to regulate chemicals, hormones, and organ system functions in our body.

  • Your brain and nervous system controls everything in your body. But your first brain is actually the GUT. The Gut and the brain signal back and forth to regulate everything in your body. Dysregulated nervous system symptoms include disturbed sleep, paradoxical reactions, post exertion malaise, variable body temperature, imbalance of electrolytes, excessive sweating, erratic heart rate and blood pressure, low blood sugar, GI symptoms, anxiety/depression, chronic pain, and circulation issues. Disorders affecting the nervous system regulation are POTS, Dysautonomia, Hypermobility, GI dysmotility, and MCAS/MCAD.

  • Your mitochondria are the power-plants of your cells. They make all the energy for your body to use so you can be active and feel good. Mitochondria require specific nutrients and environment to function properly. Mitochondrial health aims to give the mitochondria the tools it needs to give you the cleanest energy without damage to your cells.

  • Your metabolism describes the chemical reactions performed by cell mitochondria. Metabolic health is another description for how well your body can make energy. Some people are missing specific nutrients to support their metabolism. They often have fatigue, weight imbalances, and mental health symptoms like anxiety, depression, and low motivation.

  • Inflammation describes a plethora of chemical reactions regulated by your immune system and gut bacteria in the microbiome when there is damage to your body or cells. Inflammation is the first step to repairing the body. Chronic inflammation is what most people are experiencing in our modern society which doesn’t allow the body to regenerate itself because the body is missing the correct environment and nutrients.

